How to stay focused on Writing

Good morning writers, Today’s topic is all about making yourself stay focused on your work so that you can get more done during the day. Nothing is worst then having a huge to-do list to do, or a list of things you want to get done through out the week or month and at the end you looked back and see you only got one or two of those things done. If you find ways to stay focused you can get everything you need done. I have four different ways to help you stay focused while working, you don’t need to use all of those or any of them if they don’t work for you, but i do hope that it helps most of you in some way.

  1. No Phone: shut your phone off, I understand that for some people this one is impossible for whatever reason, maybe you work or have kids that may need to get a hold of you at a moment notice. So if that is the case then this tip wont work for you, but if you don’t need your phone or if they only people texting/ calling you are your friends  then tell them you need to work for a few hours and shut it down. This way you wont want to check it every five minutes. Another way to do this is to just shut your ringer off and put your phone far away from you that way when you take a break you can check it but its not around you so you don’t want to check it all the time.
  2. No Internet:  Disconnect your computer or if you cant do this block the sites that stop you from working, like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, what ever sites that you find yourself checking ever five minutes instead of working on your project.
  3. Play Music: This one is one of the most popular people use, that I have seen at least. You just have to search or make your own play list of music that you like but that won’t make you sing or dance around the room. Because that wouldn’t help you get work done if your to busy listening to the music and not working. When putting together a play list try to keep songs that have lyrics out of the play list, that way you will just have music, you cant sing if there isn’t any words.
  4. Play a Movie or a TV show: If your like me and can’t listen to music while you work try to find a show or movie you can watch but also work at the same time. I have three shows that work really well to keep me focused on my work  because I have watched them so much i don’t need to watch the how show to know whats going on. Those shows are “Family Guy“, “American Dad”, and “Criminal minds” .  I can play one of those shows and get a lot of work done in one episode because I’m not worried about missing something because i know what is going to happen.

I hope those tips helped you get a lot of work done. Have a great day and always keep writing and working on your dreams.